*Attention Members* The Lord's Supper is the 26th


Interested In Membership?

Membership at Heritage Baptist Church is held in high regard because we are a congregationally governed church. By us having a high view of our church members we hold a high view of church membership. Because of our view of biblical church polity (see below), and our Statement of Faith, we require all those considering membership to undergo our Church Membership Course. The Church Membership Course consists of (x4) in-person classes and Elder an conducted interview. We also will need the individual considering membership to provide permission for the Elders of Heritage Baptist Church to contact the individual’s previous church (if applicable). We recommend coming for an appropriate amount of time before considering joining Heritage Baptist Church.

After taking the Church Membership Course and completing the interview(s) with Heritage Baptist Church leadership the individual(s) must affirm our Statement of Faith, our Statement on Marriage, Gender, and Sexuality, our Church Covenant, and be a baptized believer. After all of this, the Elders of Heritage Baptist Church will notify the congregation at the next Members Meeting of the individual(s) considered for membership. The congregation will be encouraged by the Elders to get to know the individual(s). The individual(s) will then be invited to attend the next Members Meeting where the Elders will call a vote to receive them as new members.