*Attention Members* The Lord's Supper is the 26th


Five Lies of Our Anti-Christian Age by Rosaria Butterfield

– 2min Read

It is no secret that our culture is in complete turmoil, spiraling further and further away from the truth of God. The culture is dominated by the idolatry of feelings and selfishness resulting in confusion and chaos. Sadly, this chaos has now infiltrated the church as well. In her book, The Five Lies of Our Anti-Christian Age, Rosaria Butterfield wisely points out the starting points of many of these issues. Here are the five lies Mrs. Butterfield introduces and also gives Biblical rebuttal to:

Lie #1: Homosexuality is Normal
Lie #2: Being a Spiritual Person is Kinder than being a Biblical Christian
Lie #3: Feminism is Good for the World and the Church
Lie #4: Transgenderism is Normal
Lie #5: Modesty is an Outdated Burden that Serves Male Dominance and Holds Women Back

Are you as intrigued as I was? This book delivers helpful guidance using God’s word and personal experience from a woman who was fully immersed in the LGBTQ agenda before being converted (for more on Rosaria’s testimony, read The Secrets of an Unlikely Convert). I greatly appreciated Rosaria Butterfield’s humility as she repented of the way she had misspoken and misrepresented Christianity as an early convert. Her words of wisdom for evangelizing to the LBGTQ community were immensely helpful and filled me with the confidence to approach these difficult subjects. Not only is her content full of information but the writing of her book is engaging and a delight to read.

I highly recommend this book to all people as we strive to share the gospel in our anti-Christian age. For a wonderful introduction to Rosaria Butterfield’s book along with extra commentary on each chapter, please also check out this podcast episode from Home Fires by Abigail Dodds.